My youngest daughter just turned 11. This momentous event got me thinking about what advice I would give the 11 year old me. I then started asking a lot of friends, colleagues, and random people this: Given all that you know now, and what the 11 year old you was dealing with, what advice would you give yourself?
Photo by Omer Wazir on Flickr.
Ironically, many people agreed that the advice they would give their 11 year old selves is the same advice they should adhere to now. I thought many of the responses were worth sharing.
Below are the responses I have gotten so far, including mine:
1. Have no regrets.
2. Ignore the haters because haters are going hate no matter what you do.
3. Pay more attention.
4. Don't take things so seriously.
“Don’t take things so seriously.”
5. Appreciate your parents more.
6. Play more.
7. Have fun and don’t "grow up."
8. Be courageous.
9. All that troubles you now will be resolved.
“All that troubles you now will be resolved.”
10. Relax.
11. Go for it! Try everything.
12. Never let an idiot get in the way of what you are trying to do. And by all means, make sure that idiot is not you.
“Never let an idiot get in the way of what you are trying to do. And by all means, make sure that idiot is not you.”
13. Meditate.
14. Trust your instincts.
15. Put money in a deferred compensation plan.
16. You are not responsible for everyone.
17. This too shall pass.
18. Take time to figure out who you are and what you care about.
What advice would you give the 11 year old you? Please add to the conversation – comment below!