Being a leader requires emotional energy. There are lots of demands on your time and energy. I was recently leading a seminar with a group of upcoming leaders and I was asked, "How can I stay positive in such a demanding world as a leader with the complexity of my roles?" I responded that it’s up to you to fill your punch bowl. Every day I think about what activities I will engage in that will fill my punch bowl.
“How can I stay positive in such a demanding world as a leader with the complexity of my roles?”
Photo by Kate Ausburn on Flickr.
Perhaps you will enjoy some holiday punch this year. But do you ever get the feeling that your punch bowl is empty? Being a leader requires that you manage your punch bowl. Punch represents your emotional energy; it's the fuel in your tank. At the end of the year or end of the day people often feel drained, like there is nothing left in their punch bowl.
“At the end of the year people often feel drained, like there is nothing left in their punch bowl.”
All day long people will put their straws in your punch bowl. Projects and unexpected events deplete your punch bowl. Since you are the only one responsible for managing your punch bowl, you must identify the activities that refill your punch bowl. For me, those are:
Putting myself on the agenda
Sleep and rest
Drinking enough water
Socializing with people I like
Reading uplifting books and articles
Limiting media consumption
Spending very little time with "negaholics"
Understanding my values and work on making them part of my life
Saying no to things that don’t contribute to my values
Letting go of busy work and focusing on High Value Activities
Avoiding overs and excesses
What do you do to fill your punch bowl? Please add to the conversation – comment below or on Twitter at @gregbellspeaks.