time blocking

Putting On Your Blinders: The Power of Focus in a Distracted World

Putting On Your Blinders: The Power of Focus in a Distracted World

As a young boy growing up on a farm in East Texas, I used to watch my grandfather plow his fields with a mule. That mule was wild and restless every morning, eager to dash in any direction except the one intended. But my grandfather had a secret: he put blinders on the mule. Those blinders blocked out distractions, allowing the mule to focus solely on the path ahead.

Why You Should Focus on the Watering, Not the Bamboo

Why You Should Focus on the Watering, Not the Bamboo

People love the idea of Water the Bamboo. It’s a great metaphor and mantra. I’ve used it myself, as have many others. But one thing people get wrong is that they focus on the bamboo. They want the results of the bamboo growth, not realizing it’s the watering that makes the magic happen.