The global pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health, and many of us are feeling overwhelmed with our efforts. It's important that we find ways to lighten up so that we can take care of ourselves and support each other.
We all have an impact on each other, and when I think about lightening up, I think of it like a candle. When your candle is lit, you have a lightness about you. And best of all, a lit candle can light an unlit candle, and can continue lighting other unlit candles.
We can do that for people. If you have some lightness about you, hand others a smile or some kindness, and perhaps you will lighten them up. The thing to know about lighting up someone else’s candle is that yours won’t go out!
“When you light someone else’s candle,
yours doesn’t go out.”
It's crucial that we find ways to lighten up and bring some positivity into our lives. To help you with this, I'll share several ideas that you can try out.
Connect with family, friends, and coworkers. Make a call or text someone you know who is fun, supportive, and can inspire you.
Listen to uplifting music. I created a positivity playlist that I use to pick me up. Next time you’re working on a project or need to find a way to boost your mood, try using a positivity playlist that is uplifting and motivating.
Don’t take yourself too seriously. There are times when you need to take yourself seriously and focus, but in most times, if you’re too serious and heavy, you won’t lighten up people around you. Pay attention when you’re taking yourself way too seriously.
Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop comparing your backyard to someone’s front yard. Comparing yourself to others is dangerous and one of the biggest killers of joy. If you want to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to where you are now and where you want to go.
Ask yourself What’s Going Well? Take the time to reflect on the good in your life so you can appreciate the day. It will help you get in a better mood.
Find ways to increase humor and laugh. Adults laugh about 15 times a day compared to children, who laugh over 400 times a day. Clearly, we need to bring more humor into our lives–we can’t let the children have all the fun!
Volunteer. Find places to give back and contribute. Helping others can make you feel good, give you a sense of purpose, and light up those around you.
This post is based on a podcast episode by Greg Bell.
Listen below for the full episode: