Something we all hear a lot about but struggle to integrate into our lives is innovation. Innovation can be a bit tricky. One of the reasons innovation is tricky is because we humans are creatures of habit, often finding comfort in the familiar, even when innovation is necessary. Another challenge when it comes to innovation is our desire to be accepted and fit in.
Be More Innovative—Use the "IMAC Method"
The digital age has brought intense disruption and competition to every industry and every profession out there. So, understandably, organizations and teams must be more creative and innovative in order to simply survive… let alone thrive. Over the years, I've had the privilege of working with numerous organizations and leadership teams on ways to increase their innovation and speed to market with their products and services.
Fail Harder or Forever Hold Your Peace
Most people understand that one has to fail in order to learn but if you ask yourself and others, "Where is it safe to fail?" an honest answer, sadly, would be, "Nowhere!" Rarely do you hear someone say, "I need to figure out how I can fail today," nor would this person find themselves in line for the next promotion.