Do you find it challenging to maintain a positive mindset? Do you notice that you have a negative attitude and have the desire to change?
It's simple: change what you consume.
You must refuse to take a casual approach to what you consume.
There are billions of bits of information available, all fighting for your attention. Fortunately, you can only pay attention to a small fraction of data at a time, which makes the information you do pay attention to that much more critical.
“You must refuse to take a casual approach to what you consume.”
What you focus on will have an enormous impact on your mindset, attitude, perspective, and how you see the world. If you find that you have a good handle on your mood and attitude, you can stop reading now.
For the rest who need to re-wire their brain, what you pay attention to is mostly a result of these three key factors:
What you consume (what you read, listen to or watch)
Who you hang out with and the conversations you have
Your inner dialogue and self-talk.
The adage "garbage in, garbage out" is NOT accurate. It really should be "garbage becomes garbage."
If you consumed a steady junk food diet, you would wind up with a junk food body. We truly become what we consume physically, mentally, and emotionally. To have a healthier life, take responsibility for what you consume. Things will get better if you change just one of the above three factors, and they will get immensely better if you remodel all three.
“To have a healthier life, take responsibility for what you consume. ”
Here's a blueprint you can follow on your path to a positive mindset:
What you consume: limit news consumption. Instead, read positive life-affirming books & articles, listen to positive podcasts, radio, and music options.
Who you hang out with: Limit the time you spend with 'negaholics.' Instead, spend time with uplifting people who focus on What's Going Well.
Your self-talk: When your self-talk gets negative, interrupt yourself by saying, "that's an interesting story I am telling myself; I wonder if there is a more positive way to view this situation?" Instead, create some positive affirmations for yourself and say them every day to yourself.