In this crazy world where everything moves at a million miles a minute, patience isn't just a good thing—it's a must! Modern conveniences and technology have shortened our ability to be patient, creating a "microwave mentality" that leaves us craving overnight success. But true growth, like a bamboo shoot, requires time and nurturing.
Why Patience Matters
Impatience is pervasive in our society. We seek shortcuts, life hacks, and quick fixes for everything from our careers to personal relationships. This rush for instant gratification can lead to stress, health issues, and even strained relationships. Patience could be defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay without getting angry or upset. Imagine a bamboo farmer impatiently digging up bamboo seeds to see if they’re growing or angrily yelling at them for not growing—this is what many of us do with our dreams and goals. We need to shift our mindset and embrace patience.
Seven Strategies to Cultivate Patience
Think Big Picture
Take a long-term view. The things you’re impatient about today likely won’t matter in 10 days, months, or years. Let go of the need for overnight success and focus on the broader journey.
Cultivate Wellbeing
Engage in activities that promote your overall well-being. Meditate for 12 minutes daily, take deep breaths, and create white space in your schedule. This helps calm your mind and reduce impatience.
Reflect and Self-Awareness
Identify areas where you need more patience. Reflect on past instances where impatience led to adverse outcomes. Self-awareness is crucial in understanding and improving our patience levels.
Use Delays Productively
When faced with delays, use the time wisely. Have a book or podcast ready, journal your thoughts, or simply take a moment to breathe. This turns frustrating waits into productive moments.
Practice Patience Daily
Find daily opportunities to practice patience. Choose the longest line at the grocery store, drive in the slow lane, or listen more attentively to others. These small acts build your patience muscle.
Adopt a Mantra
Create and repeat a mantra like “I am calm and patient.” This helps reinforce a patient mindset, especially during stressful moments.
Create Blank Spaces in Your Calendar
Avoid overscheduling yourself. Like driving without bumper-to-bumper traffic, having breaks in your schedule prevents overwhelm and promotes patience.
“Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat. And I’m sure some of you say, ‘yes, but I’m the number one rat.’”
Patience is a powerful tool that leads to better decisions, healthier attitudes, and less stress. By incorporating these strategies into your life, you can cultivate patience and achieve more meaningful, lasting success. Remember, even bamboo takes years to grow, but when it does, it soars. Let’s embrace patience, nurture our dreams, and keep watering our bamboo.
“Imagine the bamboo is three inches away, and you quit because of impatience.”
Thank you for reading. Stay patient, keep nurturing your goals, and remember that the sweetest rewards come to those who wait.
This post is based on a podcast by Greg Bell. Listen to the full podcast below: