
How to Lead a Happier Life

How to Lead a Happier Life

Something most people do is pursue happiness. For many of us, being happy is the ultimate goal of life, and we want to find this in our careers, family, and friends.

But I believe that pursuing happiness is precisely the problem with being happy. We treat happiness like some distant destination we have to reach. So in this post, I’m going to share six tools for you to be happy right now.

Using What’s Going Well to Change Our Language

Using What’s Going Well to Change Our Language

Language is embedded in everything around us. It doesn’t just impact how we think, it is how we think. It’s the start of a chain reaction: how we think greatly impacts what we believe, and what we believe impacts the actions we take or don’t take, which eventually shapes our reality.

How to Use 'What’s Going Well' to Enhance Company Culture

How to Use 'What’s Going Well' to Enhance Company Culture

When teams or entire organizations implode, it’s rarely due to poor business strategy or a lack of skill from higher-ups or employees. More often, the breakdown is caused by a lack of gratitude and appreciation throughout the organization’s culture.

Manage Your Anger or It Will Manage You

An executive recently asked me, “Do you ever get angry?” I believe the question she really wanted answered is, “How do you manage your anger or frustration?” Even though sometimes I feel like an alien, frustration and anger are a “normal” reaction for human beings. I have never been one to be over the top with rage, but I have had my moments.