
7 Habits of a Negaholic

7 Habits of a Negaholic

Have you ever met a negaholic and thought to yourself I wish I were more like them?

It’s much easier than you might think.

Here are some surefire ways to jump-start your negaholic journey. World-class negaholics adopt all seven of these habits, but if you can make just one of them a habit, you will be well on your way to being a negaholic.

Don't Waste this "Winter"

Don't Waste this "Winter"

Covid-19 has had a tremendous impact on all our lives. It has created what some call the “Great Pause.” The Bamboo Farmer views this situation as the winter season rather than a pause. Although it is unclear when this winter will be over, at some point, it will end.

Now What?!?

Now What?!?

Like many, you feel like your bamboo has been all wiped out. All of the things you’ve been working for are in jeopardy due to the Coronavirus pandemic. You are merely trying to make sense of it all. People are saying ‘don’t panic’ which makes you even more anxious.

The Question That Changes Everything

The Question That Changes Everything

The What’s Going Well mindset movement needs you. Look around, and you must admit the world needs positivity right now. The What’s Going Well mindset is not one of those movements or ideas where you’ll want to sit on the sidelines. If you do, the “Negaholics” will win—in your communities and workplaces.  

The Simple Truth of Mastering a Skill

The Simple Truth of Mastering a Skill

Mastering a skill takes years, whether it is teaching, becoming a great leader, a parent or world-class speaker. Like the Bamboo Farmer that I reference in my speeches and my first book Water The Bamboo the key to mastery lies in one’s ability to be focused and disciplined for years.

The Battle of the Books: Which One Wins?

This year I have noticed an interesting pattern. When clients request a keynote presentation, I ask which speech they want me to deliver--one focused on Water The Bamboo, Unleashing the Potential of Teams and Individuals or What’s Going Well? The Question that Changes Everything?

It’s been about a 50–50 split.

I developed a keynote and a half day workshop around the What’s Going Well mindset. Below is a short video that gives you a flavor of the new book and keynote.

Watch the What's Going Well Video

And if you are not familiar with the Water The Bamboo keynote and workshop here is a video to help you gain an understanding.

Momentum: The Key to Finishing Big Projects and Leading Teams

Momentum: The Key to Finishing Big Projects and Leading Teams

Every year instead of setting a New Year’s resolutions, I pick a word that I use as a theme throughout the year. Last year, 2018, I chose the word “momentum.” I have to give momentum lots of credit for helping me power through and finish my new book, What’s Going Well.

Why There is Resistance to a What’s Going Well Mindset, and How It’s Wrong

Why There is Resistance to a What’s Going Well Mindset, and How It’s Wrong

Since we only have the capacity to focus on a fraction of what we encounter, our brains are constantly filtering what gets our attention. In this filtering process, our brains are easily distracted because we are wired to pay attention to any new stimulus, especially if we perceive it to be a threat to our survival. This filtering causes us to have what psychologists call a negativity bias.

Using 'What’s Going Well' to Battle the Spread of Negativity

Using 'What’s Going Well' to Battle the Spread of Negativity

Humanity on the whole has never been better off than we are now. The world is safer, we live longer, we are healthier, and many people are wealthier.

But as humans, our brains are naturally wired to cynicism. We’re more likely to focus on the negatives of a situation and not even notice the positives.

Using 'What’s Going Well' to Boost Peak Performance

Using 'What’s Going Well' to Boost Peak Performance

Changing our focus to What’s Going Well and rejecting negativity isn’t just about making us happier (though that’s a nice side-effect, too!). When we practice it regularly, it extends far beyond day-to-day joy and becomes a part of who we are. Eventually, we don’t have to work to practice it anymore. It comes to us naturally.