As a Bamboo Farmer, listening is such an important skill to develop. I would go as far as saying that it’s a superpower. Better listening will improve every relationship you have personally and professionally–listening will increase your ability to connect.
Perfectionism Does Not work on the Bamboo Farm
Water More, Complain Less
Shift Your Perspective
How to Lead a Happier Life
Something most people do is pursue happiness. For many of us, being happy is the ultimate goal of life, and we want to find this in our careers, family, and friends.
But I believe that pursuing happiness is precisely the problem with being happy. We treat happiness like some distant destination we have to reach. So in this post, I’m going to share six tools for you to be happy right now.
Push Your Rock
Self-Discipline is a Bamboo Farmer’s Secret Weapon
Everyone Leaves a Wake
March Forth
Why You Should Take Smart Risks
Are you asking yourself the right question?
If you ask lousy questions, you will get lousy answers. This is why I wrote my second book, What’s Going Well?.
The benefits of asking yourself, “What’s Going Well?” are too numerous to list here. The question and the practice gets you to focus on the positive things in your life even the things and people that you may be taking for granted.
Create a Compelling Bamboo Vision
This time of the year (January) is often associated with setting new goals and resolutions for the coming year. But what about five, ten, or twenty years from now? Most giant timber bamboo takes five years to grow 90 feet in 60 days. So like timber bamboo, we must create a vision for what we want our bamboo to look like long term.
Bamboo Farmers Have Deeply Held Values
To Succeed in the ‘Relationship Age,’ Model the Behavior of this Creature
How Bamboo Farmers Overcome F.U.D.
Bamboo Farming Takes 20 Seconds of Courage
Cody Goldberg on Play, Finding Inspiration from Challenging Times, and Passion Projects
Why You Should Focus on the Watering, Not the Bamboo
10 Ways Bamboo Farmers Water Persistently
I’ve met many successful Bamboo Farmers throughout my life, many of which I interviewed on my podcast. What makes them so successful compared to someone who might not have the same level of success is that Bamboo Farmers water persistently.