During one of my recent live keynotes, someone asked me what the biggest time wasters are. I immediately thought of mindlessly scrolling through social media, but I thought of an even bigger time waster: complaining.
Shift Your Perspective
How to Lead a Happier Life
Something most people do is pursue happiness. For many of us, being happy is the ultimate goal of life, and we want to find this in our careers, family, and friends.
But I believe that pursuing happiness is precisely the problem with being happy. We treat happiness like some distant destination we have to reach. So in this post, I’m going to share six tools for you to be happy right now.
Push Your Rock
Self-Discipline is a Bamboo Farmer’s Secret Weapon
Everyone Leaves a Wake
How Bamboo Farmers Overcome F.U.D.
Why You Should Focus on the Watering, Not the Bamboo
10 Ways Bamboo Farmers Water Persistently
I’ve met many successful Bamboo Farmers throughout my life, many of which I interviewed on my podcast. What makes them so successful compared to someone who might not have the same level of success is that Bamboo Farmers water persistently.
To Be, or Not to Be? That is the question.
How to Keep Your Punchbowl Full
This pandemic has dragged on for what seems like years. It looks as if there is a light at the end of the tunnel; we just hope it’s not a train barrelling our way.
During challenging times like the one we’re in now, it’s important to think about how to recharge ourselves. I like to think of my energy like punch in a punchbowl. My family, friends, and others can put their straws in my punchbowl and drink as much punch as they would like.
How Bamboo Farmers Develop More Self-Confidence
Why Delaying Gratification is a Predictor of Future Success
Ignore Your Critics
Many years ago I wrote a poem about critics and one of the stanzas went something like this:
“Critics critics there are many, but you will never see statues of any.”
People who have great success are just like you--seemingly ordinary people--but they have developed a strong and unwavering conviction and expectation that they will achieve their visions.
Spreading What’s Going Well at Starbucks
You are What You Consume
A Model for Perseverance
Greg Bell is a Certified Virtual Presenter
Years ago I became a Certified Speaking Professional. It’s the highest earned designation from the National Speakers Association. I take pride in having this designation as only 10% of professional speakers have it.
Who knew there was such a thing, but I am happy to say I’ve been officially certified as a virtual presenter—a sign of the times for sure!
Where is your spotlight shining?
What we focus on and the questions we ask casts a spotlight. This spotlight sets our mindset and determines how we see the world. Remember when you bought your first car, and then you began to see others like-it—the same make, model, and color everywhere? It’s like they magically appeared. But they didn’t. They were always there; you merely weren’t casting your spotlight in that direction until you had one, and then you began to see them.
Pursuit of Happiness
Despite the challenges happening in the world, I genuinely hope you had an enjoyable July 4th holiday. Over the holiday, I took a few moments to reread the Declaration of Independence. One of the most famous lines of the document is “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” However, Americans aren’t very happy.